Savings and Efficiency for Denny Bros


A case study about our expertise at work in the Industrial sector

Denny Bros, a global leader in multi-page labelling and printing solutions for pharmaceutical, agro-chemical and retail sectors, achieved registration to ISO 14001 in 2008 has been systematically reducing energy use across the business. 

This has been achieved through a number of separate initiatives including photovoltaics, lighting upgrades, heating management and improved building insulation.

Voltage Optimisation manufactured by Power Management Design and Build was specified and installed in conjunction with the photovoltaics in March 2014. The installation process was well managed with no overrun.

"Installing the VO Unit has resulted in a reduction in energy usage of 14% since installation. Combining this with PV has reduced our total usage by around 25% which is fantastic, and will provide an overall payback of around 3 years. It is anticipated that there will be other benefits of the VO system in reducing loading on the fixed wire installation and controlling power surges in the factory" said Julian Colman, Quality and Environmental Manager at Denny Bros.

“It really is satisfying hearing back from Denny Bros with such great results and positive feedback about the work we have done. Reducing energy costs and carbon footprint is our core business and something we pride ourselves in achieving for all our clients” Lee said Lee Gardner, Director of Power Management Design and Build.


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